Pressure Equipment and Welding

An independent and experienced partner for pressure equipment and welding inspections

We are an inspection agency accredited by FINAS. (FINAS = Finnish Accreditation Service, Finland's national accreditation agency).
We operate as an inspection authority approved by Tukes for pressure equipment subject to Finnish laws. (Tukes = Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency).
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has notified the European Parliament and Council (EU) that we are a Notified Body 0875, in accordance with PED 2014/68/EU.

DEKRA Industrial Oy performs legally required inspections of pressure equipment

Inspection is not just about complying with the law. Pressure equipment placed on the market in Europe must be CE marked. Compliance with the Pressure Equipment Directive ensures that safety requirements are met and conformity is assessed in accordance with European standards.
DEKRA Industrial Oy performs inspections on
  • pressure equipment,
  • containers,
  • pipelines and
  • mechanical equipment
and completes conformity assessments.
We serve our clients in conformity assessments, technical testing, condition assessment and condition control system assessment of the equipment and systems of the
  • process,
  • energy,
  • nuclear energy and chemical industries, and
  • the construction industry.
The foundation of our inspections is goal orientedcooperation, which aims to develop and support our customer's business in a safe and
environmentally friendly manner.

Our activities include, among others:

  • The Notified Body tasks according to the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) and
  • Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive (TPED)
  • As an inspection authority approved by Tukes, including the inspections of pressure
  • equipment being used and the inspections and approvals of hazardous material containers
  • Pressure equipment inspections for marine vessels as authorised by Trafi (Finnish Transport
  • Safety Agency)
  • Qualifying welding methods and welders
  • Inspections for approved facilities according to the Natural Gas Regulation
  • Inspections according to the Liquid Petroleum Gas Regulation
  • Inspections according to the Chemicals Act
  • Storage container inspections
  • Third party inspections

CSC container inspections

CSC container inspections
We can issue CSC type approval for new or modified containers manufactured in Finland for international transport. In the design, manufacture and testing of the container, we ensure compliance with safety regulations in accordance with the ISO 1496 standard. The type approval process starts with a review of the application, plans, drawings, calculations and other documents relevant to compliance. Once the plans have been approved, we authorise the manufacture of a prototype, which is subjected to the tests required for the container type under the supervision of our inspector. Once the tests have been approved, we issue final type approval for the container, which entitles the manufacturer to affix the CSC safety plate to the container.
IICL = Institution of International Container Lessors
ITCO = International Tank Container Organization

Welding technology

Our accreditations also include the award of personal certificates for permanent welders.
These include.
- welders,
- welding operators,
- hardwire operators,
- anchoring operators.
The approval of the above mentioned methods is also part of our activities.
Approved agency
Tukes has approved us to carry out inspections in accordance with pressure equipment legislation.
We complete all inspections associated with pressure equipment according to the Finnish regulations. These include registration and scheduled inspections of containers, pipelines, boilers and heat exchangers, among others. Inspections associated with repairs and modifications are subject to Pressure Equipment Act.
Our inspections also include inspections of containers for transporting hazardous materials (VAK), as well as inspections associated with using natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas.
Granting competency certificates for operation controllers at boiler plants is also subject to Finnish laws.
As an agency approved by Trafi, we are also able to complete the legally required periodical inspections of pressure equipment on marine vessels.
Transporting hazardous materials VAK, ADR, RID, IMDG
We conduct professional scheduled inspections on VAK containers anywhere in Finland.
We also complete type approvals and reassessments in accordance with TPED.
Notified Body
We complete conformity assessments in accordance with the pressure equipment directive PED 2014/68/EU.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has notified the European Parliament and Council (EU) that we are a Notified Body 0875, in accordance with PED 2014/68/EU.
Our accreditation includes all of the assessments included in the PED.


I 009 SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17020 inspection body
S 048 SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17065 product sertification
S 052 SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17024 certification of persons
S 053 SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17021-1 certification of management systems

Documents available while requested:

1. Terms and conditions of the certification contract
2. Application for certification
3. Certification programme

Returning application forms

Please send the completed application form and its attachments by e-mail to: jyrki​.penttila@​dekra​.com .



Kari Palsamäki +358 4076 9824
Roni Kotiluoto +358 40 778 2615

Periodical inspection:

Jyrki Penttilä +358 500 730 378
Roni Kotiluoto +358 40 778 2615


Antti Hirvonen +358 50 320 1757


Pekka Tarvainen +358 44 737 6765

Qualification certificate for boiler operation supervisor:

Jyrki Penttilä +358 500 730 378

Pressure equipment health service system approvals / assessement, RBI:

Kari Palsamäki +358 40 761 9824


Roni Kotiluoto +358 40 778 2615