Ensuring safety in the modern world

DEKRA Audit services, Finland

Who we are and what we do

DEKRA's certification service in Finland focuses on the certification of companies manufacturing metal products, machinery and equipment.

Wherever your business is located, we are there

DEKRA is your trusted audit and certification partner. We have over 200 accreditations for quality management systems, health and safety, environment and security certification, and we are a notified body under the Construction Products Regulation for CE marking certification. Our services include impartial and independent audits and personnel certifications for various industries. DEKRA's global auditing and certification service serves 50 countries with 1,800 experts.

Certification of product and management systems

DEKRA's certification service in Finland focuses on the certification of companies manufacturing metal products, machinery and equipment. We actively work with our customers to improve their operations, quality, safety and future. Our work is more than just assessment, we take a holistic view and provide guidance on the interpretation of standards.
We offer our clients certification services to the following standards (among others):
The following documents are available upon request:
  • Certification agreement
  • Certification application
  • Certification programme